Dog bite injury claim

If you or a loved one has been bitten by a dog, it’s important to contact an experienced lawyer immediately to learn more about your legal options. Our experienced lawyers are specialized in dog bite accidents and can help you get the maximum compensation you’re entitled to.

Wounds from dog bites can result in serious long-term injuries, scarring and emotional trauma. You might be out of the running for a prolonged period of time and damages can ramp up quickly. As a dog bite victim you’re entitled to compensation. Medical bills, lost wages, extra help in and around the house, travel costs, medical aids, plastic surgery: the bills add up quickly. In addition to compensation for your material damage you’re entitled to financial compensation for your pain and suffering, so called smartengeld (this can add up to tens of thousands, or in the most extreme cases hundreds of thousands of euros).

What should you do after a dog bite?

Of course it is important to seek medical help as soon as possible. After you’ve been somewhat recovered it is very important to contact us as soon as possible. When a dog or other animal attacks, the owner of the dog is almost always liable for the damage done. 99 out of 100 times the dog owner is insured so he won’t have to pay your damages out of pocket. The longer you wait however the more difficult it proves to claim your damages. You will run into all sorts of legal troubles. The burden of proof of being bitten by the animal is on the victim. Our experienced and qualified english speaking Dutch personal injury lawyers have a lot of experience with dog bite cases and can help you claim your damages 100% free. Contact us now for a free evaluation of your claim.

Contact us now

We will assess your dog bite claim for free and get back to you within 24 hours